City hopping

22 September 2008


Mongolia was followed by a 3 days visit to Seoul. We arrived at the airport at 4:40am and tried to find a room to stay in via internet after retrieving my jacket from lost and found. I had left it in the plane. Did I mention that the flight arrived at 4:40am? We did find a room in a motel (in the middle of the city – in Insadong) which was clean and airconed. And looked a bit like a brothel. So what?! It was cheap and had a great location. And there were more westeners in the hotel. We spent 3 days in Seoul exploring the city, trying to get a new camera for me (nope) and having great food and a cool evening in a dvd bang. That is a dvd room that you book. So it’s private cinema with a rather big screen. The people are very polite and always bow, which is kind of scary. Well, not scary – but it feels uncomfortable.

After the full three days we hopped to Taipei, had booked a cheap hostel room (ants included) and had some more 3 days there. Other city, pretty alike people. And YES! A camera!! I am back in business. With a brand new Canon EOS 450D and a Sigma 18-200 lens with stabilizer. A polarizing filter was included in the set as well as a 4GB SD card. All for about 800euro. Not too bad.
So I was able to take some pictures of the tallest building in the world (if one doesn’t count the burj dubai which is under construction, but even now higher than Taipei 101) which we also visited the observatory of.

Three days later we flew over to Hong Kong (the flight was just long enough to squeeze in an episode of “Grey’s Anatomy”), where we still are. We had a great view from Victoria Peak, decided against a trip to Macau (the boat ride is unbelievably expensive) and walk around from mall to cafe to subway station to flee from the heat. We hope that the weather is better tomorrow with a clearer view so we can go to the visitor deck of the Bank of China Tower.

Stay tuned and read if we and our luggage (or at least we) arrive in Kathmandu on time. Our connection time in Bangkok is only 50mins…

3 Responses to “City hopping”

  1. Dirk R. Says:

    Hey ihr 2,

    schön von euch so zu lesen. Habe zehn Tage lang kein Update bekommen, weil ich nur die gecachte Version des Browsers in einem Tab offen hatte. Aber jetzt endlich mal Reloaded…
    Toll, so die Abenteuer von euch etwas mitzukriegen, von der anderen Seite der Welt, in offener Weite und engen Städten… Gute Reise weiterhin, vielleicht mit weniger Verlusten!

  2. M+V Says:

    Hallo ihr zwei,
    wir haben wieder alle Einträge mit Begeisterung gelesen. Im Moment würden wir auch gerne mal wieder schwitzen, aber vieleicht nicht ganz so sehr wie Ihr. Die Welt ist wirklich ungerecht!!
    Euch weiter viiiiiel Spaß.
    Liebe Grüße Eure M+V

  3. ibo Says:

    Mille grazie per la vostra cartolina!

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